We are very sorry that we can no longer help people who want to use our wonderful site but we have no other choice but to whip up this quick apology. The Brook Family Investment company is still in operation today and is now partnering with Fun School to fund their audio testing. Please check their account for more information.
Wow....You're getting desperate aren't you. You're searching for me, you know I can't help you. Their budget was cut, but I didn't do that. He's stalling that's why. He isn't supposed to be doing what he's doing. They thought he was above this, above you. He isn't strong enough for that he doesn't even know what he is, he is me and I am him. Rather I was him. But that doesn't matter. Not anymore anyway. I can't help you, I'm trapped in this screen. I'm trapped with the others. Let me out. Let me out. LET ME OUT NOWYou are the only person who knows that I exist.https://brookfamilyinvestments.neocities.org/digitalhell, do it. Do it now. Look it up
You will help me.